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Reasons to Make an Appointment With a Chiropractor Near You

Written By Levinson Chiropractic & Vax-D Therapy on April 22, 2024

a doctor talking to a patient

Chiropractors do more than just treat back pain, and visiting a chiropractor near you in Sandy Springs or Atlanta, GA can improve your overall health and wellness. At Levinson Chiropractic, our chiropractor Dr. Helene Levinson specializes in holistic wellness care, preventive care, and treatment of chronic pain, medical conditions, and injuries. If you have never visited a chiropractor before, don’t wait until you are in pain or injured to make your first appointment.

You Have Headaches or Migraines

Chiropractic care is incredibly effective at treating headaches and migraines. If you’re interested in drug-free alternative headache and migraine treatment, Dr. Levinson can help. She can determine the underlying cause of your headaches or migraines and design a personalized treatment plan that addresses the cause, offers pain relief, and reduces your risk of future headaches and migraines.

You’re Pregnant

You need specialized healthcare when you’re pregnant. If you are experiencing symptoms like back pain, foot pain, hip pain, exhaustion, nausea, or headaches, Dr. Levinson can help. She can offer drug-free, all-natural chiropractic care and nutritional counseling to ease pregnancy symptoms and improve your overall health and wellness throughout your pregnancy. She can also recommend therapeutic exercises and stretches that ease aches and pains and improve your flexibility and mobility.

You Want to Prevent Sports Injuries

Dr. Levinson works with athletes of all levels to reduce their risk of sports injuries. She will design a personalized wellness plan that includes strength training, improves your spinal alignment, corrects posture and balance issues, and reduces your risk of exhaustion, muscle cramps, and injuries. She can also recommend a diet and nutrition plan that increases your endurance and power and gives you more energy.

You’re at Risk of an Illness or Disease

If you have a family history of a disease or illness or risk factors for the disease or illness, you should begin taking preventive measures as soon as possible. Dr. Levinson can assess your risk level and help you make changes to your home and work environment to reduce your risk. She also offers holistic management of chronic illnesses and diseases.

Schedule a Consultation for Chiropractic Care

Dr. Levinson and her team at Levinson Chiropractic offer all-natural chiropractic care in Sandy Springs and Atlanta, GA. Contact us today to learn more about our services, discuss your health and wellness goals, and find out if you’re a good candidate for chiropractic care. 

Posted In: Chiropractic