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How Can a Chiropractor Minimize the Risk of Sports Injuries in Athletes?

Written By Levinson Chiropractic & Vax-D Therapy on January 22, 2023

football player

In addition to treating sports injuries and helping athletes recover, Dr. Helene Levinson, our chiropractor in Sandy Springs, can also minimize an athlete’s risk of sports injuries. The same chiropractic therapies that help athletes recover from injury or surgery can also increase strength, endurance, and flexibility, making in-game injuries less likely.

Improve Flexibility and Range of Motion

Most people know that chiropractic care is designed to reduce pain and inflammation, eliminate stiffness, address spinal conditions or misalignments, and promote relaxation. What some people don’t know is that chiropractic treatment can also improve the overall flexibility and range of motion of your joints and limbs. Through chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, spinal decompression therapy, posture correction, and therapeutic exercises and stretches, our chiropractor will ensure that you are agile on and off the field. The more agile and flexible you are, the less likely you are to suffer from a fall or other accident that can cause an injury during a game or practice.

Enhance Speed, Stamina, and Endurance

Our chiropractor can also recommend additions to your diet and exercise plan that will increase your overall speed, stamina, and endurance. Certain core exercises can improve your strength and posture, giving you a competitive edge in the game. The right diet, combined with vitamins and nutritional supplements, will also improve your endurance. You’ll play better, harder, and faster than before using only safe, all-natural chiropractic therapies. 

Improve Energy and Nutrition

In addition to eliminating pain, improving mobility and range of motion, and increasing your speed, our chiropractor can also treat non-physical symptoms. This includes symptoms like anxiety, fear, fatigue, and more. Dr. Levinson can recommend key changes in your lifestyle and diet that will improve your energy and sleep habits, and help you better manage stress.

To Learn More About the Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Athletes, Call Us Today

If you’re an athlete who is curious about how safe, all-natural chiropractic care can minimize your risk of injury, call us at Levinson Chiropractic today. Our chiropractor, Dr. Helene Levinson, has over 30 years’ experience in sports injury treatment, rehabilitation, and holistic healthcare. She can design a customized chiropractic care treatment plan that will improve your performance, treat existing injuries, and prevent new ones.

Call us at (404) 257-0404 or schedule your appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractic Sports Injury