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Can a Chiropractor Help After a Sports Injury?

Written By Levinson Chiropractic & Vax-D Therapy on August 22, 2022

football players

One of the biggest benefits of chiropractic care for sports injuries is that it relieves pain, improves mobility and circulation, and gets you back on your feet with minimal downtime. All of this can be achieved without the use of dangerous, expensive prescription painkillers or invasive procedures.

At Levinson Chiropractic, we use safe, natural chiropractic sports injury treatment methods designed to relieve pain, address the underlying cause of your injury, and educate you in preventing future injuries. Whether you play sports regularly, or just occasionally get together with your friends for a weekend game, set up an appointment with us today to learn more about our sports injury treatment in Atlanta and Sandy Springs.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care After a Sports Injury

While most athletes experience sports injuries in their lifetime, the correct care and education can reduce the frequency of recurring sports injuries. If you receive appropriate sports injury treatment from our experienced staff, you can improve your chances of healing quickly and getting back on your feet. Our experienced, knowledgeable professionals can evaluate the underlying cause of your injury and develop a customized chiropractic treatment plan that improves mobility and circulation, relieves your pain, and allows you to return to playing sports as quickly as possible.

Health and Fitness Education

In addition to treating existing sports injuries, our office also offers holistic overall wellness care that can prevent you from suffering from future sports injuries. We provide health and fitness education, wellness education, and exercise education and modification to ensure you’re taking care of yourself while working out. We can provide advice on improving your athletic performance through nutritional supplements and changes to your diet. We can also give you nutritional counseling that includes tips for preventing dehydration, heat fatigue, exhaustion, and heat stroke.

Types of Chiropractic Care for Sports Injuries

At Levinson Chiropractic, we recognize that each patient is different, and we don’t take a “one size fits all” approach to our chiropractic care. After your initial examination and taking a careful patient history, we will work closely with you to design a comprehensive sports injury treatment plan that meets your needs. This will include a combination of chiropractic therapies that give you the best chance of success for rehabilitation and preventing future injuries.

Visit Us Today for Sports Injury Treatment in Atlanta & Sandy Springs

At Levinson Chiropractic, our chiropractor, Dr. Helene Levinson, has more than 30 years of experience serving the Atlanta & Sandy Springs area. We offer low force, gentle treatments, including full spine/diversified, Thompson/drop technique, activator, toggle, SOT, extremity adjusting, cranial work, and VAX-D Therapy.

If you are in need of chiropractic sports injury treatment in Atlanta or Sandy Springs, call us or schedule an appointment with us online today!

Posted In: Chiropractic Sports Injury